Lock Up Your First 5-Figure Land Deal In 120 Days—Guaranteed

We will walk you through everything needed to secure a land deal with a Five-Figure+ Profit Margin or we will continue to work with you FOR FREE until you do.

What Is the Greenhorns Program?

Greenhorns is the most efficient and most affordable way to begin building your land business with the Land Mavericks proven, scalable model. 

The program is designed to take you from brand new to land with zero deals… to your first profitable deal with at least a 5-figure spread. 

It’s also a great fit if you’ve done a deal or two using other approaches, but haven’t been able to replicate that consistently.  

When you enroll as a Greenhorn, we’ll walk you through the fundamentals of setting up your business and starting to generate deals. 

Jaren will guide you every step of the way, both through our deep library of how-to materials, and through live training sessions that reinforce and refine the key skills you need to succeed in land.

Then, as the leads start to come fast and furious, you can submit your deals to Jaren for his personal feedback in live Deal Review sessions or throughout the week via Slack. You’ll learn comping and due diligence by watching a master in action.

And once you’ve locked up a deal, you can submit it to the Land Maverick funding arm for an extra round of scrutiny, and—if there’s money to be made—we’ll even fund your deal. 

Where else can you get this level of laser-targeted help and direct feedback without shelling out 5-figures for coaching?

What Do I Get in the Program?

A Simple and Scalable Land Investing Model

Jaren’s approach to land investing is based around a core principle:

As the investor, your job is to focus on the “Core 3 Skills” of talking to sellers, performing comps and due diligence, and building relationships with land-specialized real estate agents.

Anything outside of those three activities doesn’t move the needle and should be outsourced or eliminated.

Because of this intense focus on a small number of key tasks, the Land Maverick model is much less complex than most approaches to the land business. 

And it scales without needing an army of virtual assistants and 37 software systems rigged together with duct tape.

In-Depth Training on Jaren's Simple and Scalable Land Investing Model

Run through our training 

will get you started quickly
then you’ll dive deep with Jaren in weekly live trainings
and bring your specific questions 

Think of the Land Maverick Academy as your secret weapon in mastering the land game. This isn’t just another digital library—it’s a treasure trove of knowledge, packed with video modules that dive deep into the core of the land business. We’re talking land market research, marketing strategies (that actually get results), running comps & due diligence, talking with motivated sellers, finding land-specialized agents… it’s all here.

Live, Personalized Feedback and Guidance from Jaren

Jaren will personally review the deals you’re generating
it’s like having your own coach teaching you how to comp and perform DD
he’ll also critique your recorded calls with sellers
as well as agents
bring questions to Office Hours and get live answers

Live Land Trainings

Group members are granted access to various training sessions taking place throughout the work week, Tuesday – Friday. Whether it be a deep dive into our Core Session of the Week where we cover the essentials of the land business, getting your questions addressed during Office Hours, or working leads together live during our weekly Deal Review Party, we provide all the training needed to thrive as a land investor.

Accountability & Ongoing Support

One thing members of the Land Maverick Society can count on is ACCOUNTABILITY. Our Community Founder, Jaren Barnes, has mastered the art of follow-up (and polite annoyance), ensuring you’re always pushing the ball forward. Regular check-ins from him mean your goals aren’t just pipe-dreams but milestones waiting to be conquered.

Exclusive Offers & Discounts

Exclusive Offers & Discounts? You bet! Our members have access to exclusive offers and discounts from affiliated companies and partners that are not available to the general public.

Access to Our Private Community Forum

We also offer a paid members-only forum, which is a safe space for sharing insights, asking questions, and connecting with fellow Land Mavericks.

Deal Funding

Picture this: 100% of your deal funded, guaranteed (as long as it’s an actual deal and gets a green-light from our underwriting department – no one is trying to lose money here!) 

We offer a broad funding spectrum, from $15,000 to $250,000 per acquisition, with a straightforward 50/50 profit split after closing costs, agent fees, due diligence expenses (like surveys or percolation tests, etc.) and a flat-rate $500 underwriting fee.

Deals exceeding $250,000 per acquisition, as well as subdivides and more extensive projects, default to a 60/40 profit split, in our favor, due to the increased financial risk.

This structure is designed to help our members continue to leverage their working capital and keep the growth of their business moving forward. 

Further terms and conditions apply (of course) so for the full run down check out:


Frequently Asked Questions

How much do I need to budget for marketing costs?

If we’re talking direct mail, anticipate $0.53 per letter.
This is grossly oversimplified, but on average, 3,000
letters should yield one deal in most areas.
When starting out, there’s no rush to start sending mail
every month. Often it’s best to focus on one campaign at a

time, work it thoroughly, and then
move to the next when ready.

This approach ensures you’re well prepared to dive into
the land business with the right tools and mindset.
Welcome to the Land Maverick Society, where we’re
committed to helping you grow your land business

with confidence.

What does a typical deal look like for your members?

(Again, this is grossly oversimplified but here it goes…)
In regard to conventional flip deals, on average, after
expenses, members profit about $10,000 per deal if they
use Land Maverick Society funding. If members self-fund,
the average bumps up to $20,000 per deal. This can vary

widely (so don’t sue me!).

you can plan on offsetting Acquisition Costs by funding through the Land Maverick Society, but if you choose to self-fund, based the averages in Jaren’s personal land business, the average purchase price per property is around $30,000-$40,000

What do I need to budget for operating costs for my land business?

Monthly (at least starting off) you need to plan for


expenses such as:

Propstream: $99 a month

Land.id: $45 a month

Lead Management CRM: $250 a month

Virtual Business Address: $9.99 a month

Google Workspace: $12 a month


Member Costs


Total: $415.99 per month

Do you offer payment plans for the coaching program?

Guaranteed funding via my abundant

Can make these payment plans flexible

Typically bi-weekly

And can range between 6-9 months

How much time do I need to put into this?

Obviously, the more time you put in the land business, the more you’ll get out of it. That said, if you’re just getting started and have a goal of building to 1-3 deals per month, 10-15 hours a week should be plenty.

Does Land Maverick Society Offer Some Kind of Payment Plan?

Does Land Maverick Society offer some kind of payment plan?
If all paid upfront:
If paid on installments:
$2,500 one time down payment
$6,000 * 3 months ($18,000 + $2,500 = $20,500 total)
$3,500 * 6 months ($21,000 + $2,500 = $23,500 total)
$2,500 * 9 months ($22,500 + $2,500 = $25,000 total)

How much time should I have available to dedicate towards land?
Obviously, the more time you put in the land business, the more you’ll get out of it. That said, if you’re just getting started and have a goal of building to 1-3 deals per month, 10-15 hours a week should be plenty.

Beyond the cost of joining Land Maverick Society, what other expenses should I plan for concerning the land business?
I would separate the expenses related to the land business into two buckets:
Bucket 1: Marketing & Property Acquisition Costs
Bucket 2: Everything Else
Your two largest expenses in the land business are Marketing & Property Acquisition Costs. Everything else comes out to about $360- $500 a month and includes:
Pebble REI (First 6 months free)
Regarding property acquisition costs:
you can plan on offsetting Acquisition Costs by funding through the Land Maverick Society, but if you choose to self-fund, based the averages in Jaren’s personal land business, the average purchase price per property is around $30,000-$40,000
Regarding marketing costs:
If we’re talking direct mail and you plan on mailing through Pebble REI, the cost of colorized letter with a double window envelop is $0.62 cents
Pebble Letter pricing
In most markets (not all but most) you can anticipate around 1 deal per 3,000 direct mail letters.
At $0.62 per letter, 3,000 would cost a total of $1,860

How much marketing should I plan on doing per month?
That ultimately depends on how many deals you want to do in relation to your available working capital but if you’re just getting started in the land business, I would suggest not committing to marketing on monthly basis.
I would suggest running your business “campaign-to-campaign”
Send out one marketing campaign, process the leads that come from it and not send out any more marketing until any deals this specific campaign yielded, sold successfully.
Then I would plan on rolling some of the revenue earned from these deals selling, into the next marketing campaign.
This way, you’re not committing to thousands of dollars a month in business expense before you really know what you’re doing.

What is the primary marketing channel Jaren recommends for generating motivated seller leads?
For beginners, direct mail is the best medium because the leads are generally more qualified.
As you grow and scale, however, Jaren recommends and provides guidance on setting up a multi-channel approach that includes direct mail, ringless voicemail drops, sms, emails, cold calling and more.

How does deal funding work? 
Through our exclusive funding partner, Rooster Capital, members have access to deal funding between $15,000 and $250,000 per acquisition for 50/50 split.
If the acquisition cost is higher than $250,000 it’s a 60/40 split in our favor because there is more capital at risk.
You can learn more by going to landmavericks.com/funding which has a video overview and a “Funding Guide” PDF you can download.

Do I need prior real estate or business experience to be successful?
No. In fact, having no prior real estate experience is almost better sometimes because you’re a clean slate and don’t have any competing ideology against what we teach. Jaren will walk you through every step of developing your land business, from selecting a good market, setting up your lead processing infrastructure, marketing, navigating the phones, running comps and due diligence, working with land agents – and much, much more!

I have a day-job with demanding / changing hours. Can Jaren meet with me at odd hours around my work schedule?
Generally, yes. By default members use landmavericks.com/training to schedule training sessions Tuesday through Thursday, but if there isn’t suitable availability or you need to schedule a session outside of the normal timeframe, all you have to do is reach out to Jaren’s executive assistant via text, email or Slack and she’ll help you nail down a time that works for everyone.

How is Jaren’s land flipping business model different than others?
We generally don’t do any seller-financing but sell our properties for cash, through the MLS
We heavily rely on local, land-specialized agents to help us with comps, due diligence and most importantly, getting properties sold!
We also always get title insurance on the deals we do, so we don’t self-close whatsoever.
We also intentionally target more expensive land deals, as we have found that they make more money with less effort.

Beyond land flipping, does Jaren touch on more advanced land strategies such as minor sub divides, entitlements or improvements?
Yes! For properties best suited for these types of strategies, Jaren can partner with you on the deal, provide funding and guide you through the process from beginning to end.

What discount percentage does Jaren suggest we offer land sellers?
For properties with a market value under $30,000, 30-40%
For properties with a market value over $30,000, 50%
We are most often offering 50% of market value

If I’m brand new, how soon can I expect an ROI? 
You need about 1-3 months to get setup, send out marketing, process leads and take title on a deal or two
Once you take title, the average days on market are about 90 days
So conservatively, within 3-6 months you should be gaining momentum and starting to make money from land deals selling.

What is the average profit per deal I can expect to make?
If you use us to fund the deal, on average members take home $10,000 after closing costs, agent commissions, acquisition costs reimbursement and a 50/50 split of the profit.
If you self-fund, the average bumps up to $20,000 per deal.

Realistically, how quickly can the land business replace my day-job?
Well, it depends on how much your day-job pays you and how much marketing capital and time you have to dedicate to your land business. That said, remember:
If you use LMS to fund the deal, the average profit per deal is $10,000
The cost of direct mail via Pebble REI is $0.63 per letter
In most markets, we can expect to get 1 deal per 3,000 direct mail letters.
If your goal was to make $20,000 a month, take-home…
You would only need to do about 3 land deals per month to reach that:
$10,000 Average Profit per Deal x 3 Deals = $30,000
$1,860 per 3,000 Units of Mail x 3 Potential Deals = $5,580 in Monthly Marketing Cost 
The average sales cycle is 90 days, so if you had the ability to commit to spending enough marketing dollars every month to yield the average amount deals you’d need to replace the money earned from your day-job, hypothetically you could do it in 3-6 months.

Do I need to be concerned about rising competition in the land business?
No! Only 3-6% of the land mass in the United States is developed land. That means that 93-96% of the land mass in the US is vacant land!
Sure, a portion of this is unusable or government owned, but lets say just 50% of the land mass of the U.S. was viable for doing deals… we have a lot of threshold for competition!
If you think about it, in other types of real estate, a market is limited to a city or town whereas a market in the land business by default, is an entire county!

Does Jaren actively do his own deals or does he just partner with Land Maverick Society Members? 
Jaren actively does his own deals. He co-owns iBuyLand with his wife Assiya, who runs the day-to-day operations. As of October 2023, iBuyLand has done $2.6 million in revenue on its own, completely separate from funding member deals.
Additionally, through funding deals for Land Maverick Members, we have done $2.5 million in revenue.

Does Jaren make more money from selling education or from doing deals? 
Definitely from doing deals!
That’s the ultimate goal of Land Maverick Society – to do deals with our members!

Does Jaren teach to target infill lots or more rural, recreational “bass-boat” properties?
Jaren teaches to go after all land properties that can make money. He will teach you to find a land agent that specializes in properties that are comparable to your subject property
If you’re working an infill lot, get an infill lot agent.
If you’re working a rural, recreational property, get a rural, recreational agent!
It’s that simple

Does Jaren teach to target a certain lot size range?
Jaren doesn’t focus so much on the size of the subject property but rather its market value.
You can have a 0.24 acre property in New York City that’s worth over million dollars and you can have 40 acres in the deserts of Arizona or New Mexico that’s worth $10-20,000!
Size doesn’t matter! It’s really about what the property can sell for!

How many clients is Jaren actively coaching?

Doesn’t really work that way – people join Land Maverick Society and are on all different levels in their business.

Think of Jaren like a managing broker of a real estate brokerage, some agents rarely call on their managing broker for guidance because they’re experienced, while others, especially those just getting started, call on their broker frequently.

That said though, I assume the real question is “Will Jaren have enough time to give me the attention I need to be successful, or is he growing so much that I’m just going to be a drop in the bucket? 

Yes, Jaren has time for you!

Because our business model heavily focuses on partnering with our members on deals, our interests are aligned. Jaren is incentivized to do all he can to ensure your success because the more successful you are, the more likely we’ll be able to partner on deals together!

We have systems and a team in place to help with the growth demands of the community, solely so that Jaren can stay accessible to our members.

Our Guarantee

We Are Serious About Your Success

Within four months, we will walk you through everything needed to secure a land deal with a

Five-Figure+ Profit Margin

or we will continue to work with you

FOR FREE until you do.

Our interests are aligned. We want you to succeed so that we can fund deals with you. 

So this is not a program that we put together one weekend two years ago and just keep selling. 

It’s evolving and being updated in real time.

Ready to Lock Up Your First 5-Figure Land Deal?

Ready to kick your land business into high gear and not just dream about success, but actually live it? You’re one bold move away from not just changing your game, but revolutionizing it.

Don’t let hesitation hold you back. Seize this golden shot to join a tribe that’s all about action, growth, and real results.

The Land Maverick Society isn’t just a community; it’s your new land business family, ready to push you, support you, and celebrate every win with you.

Take the leap, make the click, and let’s start this journey together!